The Queen Of England

What is The Queen Of England?


The Queen of England is a ruling female monarch or Sovereign that is head of state for the United Kingdom and it's Commonwealth. i.e Australia etc

The Queen of England is slang for when a female storms into a room and will not be reckoned with, and will not take no for an answer.

POMMY ACCENT - "I couldn't very well bloody believe it!" "Whah" "Jessica marched in like the Queen of bloody England and told me I was fired and had 30 seconds to exit the bloomin' building!"

When my mother died, Cheryl just marched in like The Queen of England and took whatever she wanted, and left without even a word!" "Not a word!"

Who does that Irish tart Sinead O'Connor think she is, The Queen of fucking England?"

See queen, royal, royalty


Doesn't actually exist.

The kingdoms of England and Scotland dissolved in 1707 so what every American refers to as "the queen of Engerland" is actually the queen of the U.K.

She is also the head of the Commonwealth and will never die. We know this because Prince Charles has been trying for years.

Learn some history!

American: "Look! The queen of England!"

Briton: "She's been dead for a looooong time"

See queen, royal, idiocy


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