What is The Seven Deadly Sins?


The Seven Deadly Sins were first told about by Pope Gregory the Great. They are as follows:

1. Greed - Wanting too much of something.

2. Gluttony - Similar to greed, but gluttony is the action of taking too much of something in.

3. Lust - The need to fulfill unspiritual desires (not just sexual desires, but this is usually what lust is associated with.)

4. Envy - Jealousy; wanting to have what someone has.

5. Sloth - Being too slow or lazy at doing something.

6. Wrath - Vindictive anger; angry revenge.

7. Anger - Getting mad at someone for something they did to you. Usually, we get angry rather than forgiving the other person.

1. I need more money! It's all mine!

2. She's such a glutton. I heard she ate a large pizza by herself!

3. I really need to go out to buy new clothes. All of my old clothes make me look fat!

4. I want that watch Bob has because it looks expensive. He's so lucky that he has such a cool watch.

5. I'll get up one day...eventually...

6. He killed his wife because she cheated on him.

7. You idiot! You spilled chocolate milk all over my shirt!


Seven things that are considered the worst things to do.

1. Greed - Wanting too much of something.

2. Gluttony - Similar to greed, but gluttony is the action of taking too much of something in.

3. Lust - The need to fulfill unspiritual desires (not just sexual desires, but this is usually what lust is associated with.)

4. Envy - Jealousy; wanting to have what someone has.

5. Sloth - Being too slow or lazy at doing something.

6. Wrath - Vindictive anger; angry revenge.

7. Pride - Being too self-satisfied

some other people may say that the seventh deadly sin is anger but this is not true; its pride.

The Seven Deadly Sins were first introduced by the Catholic church

See greed, gluttony, lust, envy, sloth, wrath, pride


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