The Stooges

What is The Stooges?


Considered the godfathers of punk, the Stooges pioneered a raw unabashed sound that would be later catogorized as proto-Punk, punk, and punk rock.

Fronted by the infamous Iggy Popand original backed by the underappreciated talents of guitarist Ron Asheton, Drummer Scott Asheton, and Bassist Dave Alexander. The Stooges were original found by an Elektra spokesman who was on location to sign the MC5. The Stooges opened for them that night and (with the support of the MC5) also got a contract with Elektra. After their self-titled release (1969) and the followup Fun House (1970) Elektra droped the Stooges for lack of record sales.

In 1972 Iggy meet David Bowiewho then had them signed to Columbia. The lineup changed to include James Williamson on guitar with Ron Asheton takeing over Bass, and Scott Asheton remaining on drums. In 1973 Raw Power was released to the traditional lack of sales ending the Stooges for good. Iggy Popcontinued working with David Bowieto make solo recordings but none matched the raw energy present on the Stooges' records.

In 2003 Iggy Pop reunited Ron and Scott Asheton for a few songs on his album Skull Ring and a subsequent tour.

True pioneers of Punk


Kickass proto punk band. Jello Biafra refers to them as one of his influences when first getting into punk rock.

Iggy Pop and the stooges rule


Not to be confused with the Three Stooges, The Stooges were a truly groundbreaking band and the godfathers of punk. They helped give rise to Iggy Pop, a legend of punk and one of the greatest frontmen around. Mick Jagger and Alice Cooper both take pages out of Iggy's book. Their influence can be best seen in bands like the MC5, the Ramones, The Damned, and most recently Velvet Revolver.

Man, I would rather listen to the Stooges any day over that Good Charlotte shit

See oscar wilde


One of the first punk bands. Back in the late 60's and a great band as well.

Oh I'll give you an example.

See Punk Rocker


After seeing the Doors in concert, James Osterberg A.K.A. Iggy Stooge (before he became Iggy Pop) was mesmerized by Jim Morrison and started his own band, the Stooges, which inspired alot of punk bands. The Stooges were a truly groundbreaking band and the godfathers of punk. They were fronted by Iggy Pop, a legend of punk and one of the greatest frontmen around.

With albums like "The Stooges", "Fun House", and "Raw Power", Iggy and the Stooges helped define the punk rock genre.

See stooges, iggy pop, punk, punk rock, loud


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