What is The They People?
The They People are the extremely large group of people who other people love to talk about. The They People know everything, are constantly giving advice, are experts in every field, and seem to be filled with expressions and sayings. The They People are vets, lawyers, doctors, philosophers, military, teachers, librarians, and any other profession you can think of.
“They warned me my aquarium should only have 1 inch of fish for each gallon of water.”
“They moved the Terror Level to yellow.”
“They told me to only tan for 20 minutes the first time.”
“They say an apple a day keeps the doctor away.”
"You know what They say; lying only leads to more lies."
“They do, do They?”
"Yes They do."
"Who the hell is this "They" everyone talks about?”
"You know…They. The They People."
"They" are pretty messed up saying obvious crap all the time."