What is The True Days Of Scene?


The "days of scene" are held on the first Thursday, Friday and Saturday of every month.

These three scene days consist of:

1. going to a show (may go to more than one)

2. eating at a diner

3. YOUR CHOICE! do what every you want to with your fellow scenekin.

EXAMPLE! - thursday = go to a franklinville show

friday(night) = eat at the palace diner with 4 of your closest scene buds(or whoever)

saturday = take the train to south street/eat crappy chinese food and watch the emperor's new groove on VHS/drive around until you have no idea where you are. WHATEVER!

But on that saturday night, all who are participating in "the true days of scene" meet up at The Palace diner in Berlin, New Jersey (or if this goes further than south jersey, everyone meet up at their local diner) and just hang out, and eat. Nothing formal, no speaches, just hanging out with food.

Betty: i love The True Days of Scene.

John: why?

Betty: because christmas gets 12 days of christmas, halloween gets 13 days of screams...I just like that the scene finally gets at least three days dedicated soley to the scene, and keeping it alive.

John: yeah. that's pretty rad.

See scene, shows


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