What is The United States Merchant Marine Academy?


also known as Kings Point. Its a place where one wears a silly costume (uniform), does plenty of excercise(looking at porn) and of course is well hydrated, with more alcohol than you can imagine. But what do you expect from a school full of sailors. Unlike the sissies at the Naval Academy, we know how to drink and chase women of the night. We are given a whole year to do it on commericial ships. Located in Great Neck NY we proudly display our Nazi Flagpole, in a Jewish Community. Need I say anything else about an establishment that when you graduate you are given choices to actually make a ton of money, and not have to go active duty. Because why fight in the war, when you can profit off of it.

The United States Merchant Marine Academy, where dreams go to die

See sailor, seaman, gay, united states, usmma, kings point


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