The Urban Dictionary

What is The Urban Dictionary?


A place where proper grammar, spelling and punctuation DO exist but retards spoil it.

Most popular definitions have a few retards defining them.

Most unpopular words have only retards defining them (Such as incoherent words or the names of friends from their school. See below for example.)

WORD: Bea O'Problem


DEFINITION: A WHEELY kewl puhsun fom mai skewl - i lub her 2 bitz - u go gurl!


(That doesn't exist, but definitions like that do.)


Example of urban dictionary crime:

Word: (_)_)======D(_*_)

Defintion: How that fat guy at my school likes it.

Example Used: Fat-TurdMuncher likes to (_)_)======D(_*_) all night, because he's gay.

Example thoughtfully provided by 'RatchetBoo'.

See Diego


Once a funny, clever little site for slang definitions. Now, thanks to hordes of mostly white, male, insecure, teenage morons it's become the most racist, sexist, ignorant shithole on the internet. The comment section usually looks like the below:

United Spammers: Before I post on The Urban Dictionary I like to rape dead queer nigger babies gangsta: yo shut up whitey how dare u use da n word u racist cracka asshole

See racist, nigger, urban, dictionary, morons, losers, white, black


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