What is The West Virginia Panhandle Epidemic?


This proven ideal is that people living in the Northern Panhandle of West Virginia are two or more years behind in society, but live only one half mile from two adjoining states. If a certain line of clothing and/or jewelry is popular now in those two adjoining states, rest assured it will not catch on until 2011 in the WV panhandle. Additionally to that, all teenage boys seem to have red hair and the traditional bowl cut from the mid to late 1990's and wear black tennis shoes to all occassions. Women in this epidemic seem to have a fetish for Looney Tunes T's and/or other cartoons.

"Hey man, isn't this Aeropostale shirt sweet?"

reply: "yeah man, if it was 2001"

"why is he wearing black tennis shoes to the homecoming?"

reply: "because he's a card carrying member of the West Virginia Panhandle Epidemic"

See red hair, taz, bowl cut, odd


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