What is The Worst System Ever Made?


see virtual boy. You can only see red and black in those things.

The Worst System Ever Made has to be the Virtual Boy, seeing as it was a disgrace to the Nintendo name.

See Alexi


Sega 32X... yikes!

What a joke

See Tim


I think its the Atari 5400, or one of those later Atari consoles.

I'll have an Atari 2100, please.


The PS2. Who cares DVD? I can see 'em in my computer and does NOT crashes. The system is bad, yes, it has many games but 70% of them very overhyped for nothing ("Final" Fantasy) or just way to shitty.

Loading takes years for it to finish, it crashes a lot and has the worst graphics between the three.

Pure shit.

If you actually love the PS2, you are a bastard. Please, get yourself a Xbox or a GC, I even recommend you a N-Gage or even a Atari with E.T. included!


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