
What is Theist?


Someone who claims the existence of a deity.


A theist is one who believes in a diety. This is not to be confused with a polytheist who believes in multiple dieties, an agnosticwho neither supports nor rejects the idea of a supreme diety, or an athiestwho believes in no dieties. Regarding Digital Shadow who blatantly attacked theism with the pre-concieved notion that the definition of the word is a direct reference to Christianity, and automatically assumed that science has DISPROVED theism, no evidence supports your claims.

Theist: I believe in a supreme diety.

Polytheist: I believe in multiple dieties.

Agnostic: I am indifferent to the idea of one or more dieties.

Atheist: I do not believe in a diety.

Unreasonable Atheist: I often put down theists, and try to use science to my advantage although it doesn't have sufficient evidence against most religions. I also fail to recognize that science cannot PROVE anything, only give reasonably reliable laws. It only takes one fact to end an entire theory/law.

See theist, athiest, diety, god, religion


A person who has lost the capacity of clear and rational thought.

Theists have imaginary friends.

See religion, atheism, creationism, theism, science


n.a believer in a deity in human form with human prejudices that monitors ones' life events and aspirations and can influence the outcome of events in that persons life depending on the intensity of the relationship with the deity determined by the compliance with edicts of society and the priesthood. Adherents include both monotheists and polytheists, the "Trinity" was invented to bridge these differences.

My theistic god, when I was younger, was Santa then along came the Tooth Fairy, that Grampa told me about. I stole gramps dentures from the glass beside his bed and left him 32 quarters, it doesn't get any better than that.

See theism, atheism, atheist, religion, eschatology


Someone who thinks diety is a word.

theist Example can't be blank

See theist, god, deity, cunt, cock


1.Someone who has been brainwashed

2.someone who desperatly hangs on to to an old fairytale-like thoery that has been disproven by science and that never reeeally had any proof in the first place


1. "i go to church(i waste my life ,worshiping a glorified imaginary friend)"

2. " yes god DOES Exist ,because it says so in the bible!(I'm insane, i read this fairy story like it's real)"

See christian, bible, normal, theism


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