
What is Theology?


The supporting rationale, doctrine, beliefs, tenets and written word that backs up and confirms what the voices in your head are telling you.

Leon didn't have any formal training in theology and figured he didn't need any, as God spoke to him and him alone and God was telling him that the big chested blonde girl in the second pew needed some laying on of the hands.


Simply put, the study of God.

I'm late for my Theology class.

See god, bible, scripture, christ, trinity


the study of god(s) and other religious topics.

vincent van gogh was going to be a minister, but refused to learn latin and theology.

See thealogy, god, goddess, religion, diety, reincarnation


Theology is the effort to explain the unknowable in terms of the not worth knowing.

Renounce theology daily.


Study of religion applied to the truth of the world; opposes secular philosophy.

... Go philosopher! Theology won't find you any sort of truth.

Momma: Son, I've brought you a new pamphlet of the church... God blesses you, child.

Son: RAAAR!!!!! I are the sick of this theologist scam. Momma, I'm atheist! Go humanist, momma!


Systematic Study of Religious tenets.

Literaly "God +word " Gk: Theos/Logos.

" If lies are the tribute dishonesty pays to truth then theology is the tribute nonsense pays to sense.


the study of God and God's ways. i cannot think of a subject that is more important, but less interesting to the common person.

if you believe in God, you're a theologian.


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