What is Theory Of Ramen Implosion?


This term was first coined in the National Scientists Organization (NSO) in 1914. The theory is that the MSG in ramen noodles will be so severe, that it will turn your skin inside out.

The popular thing among kids (and my friends) is to buy Ramen noodles. Ramen noodles are very cheap and filling but after eating so much ramen, that your skin folds inside out, thus showing your organs and outer skin.

The second process begins when Alice Cooper walks into your driveway and dropkicks your mom all over the place.

The third process is such, whenever your skin folds into one piece, and your organs explode all over your house.

This is a very serious condition, in which, many cases are documented. I hope this was a safe, and informational theory.

One such case is that of a Betty Nelson. She was sitting in her house eating ramen noodles, when out of nowhere, her skin turned inside out and Alice Cooper himself drop kicked her mom.


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