What is There Are No Women On The Internet?


Internet usage, usually brought up on forums, chat, IM, or IRC. This is used when a topic about women is brought up, whether one broke up with a woman, discussing feminists/ feminazis, girlfriends, mothers, wives, people pretending to be women on chat/message boards, et cetera.

The term is coined in the fact that most people who use the internet are male.

The term as can be modified into "There are no women on the internets", "there are no women on the interweb", "there are no whimmen on the internet", and so on and so forth.

Wakalaka: Damn, my girlfriend broke up with me.

MrRaptor: You think you got problems? My wife wants to divorce

MrRaptor: Shes a feminazi

D0kt0r1337: Same here, my mum is divorcing my father

<HEADSHOT> Bridget: ha my firend said he was dating some chick on the internet. turned out to be a guy

RomZomCom: There are no women on the internet.

*everyone in the chat relay agrees*

See poser, feminazi, your mom, 1337, internet, internets, interweb, intarweb, interwebs


Internet usage, usually brought up on forums, chat, IM, or IRC. This is used when a topic about women is brought up, whether one broke up with a woman, discussing feminists/feminazis, girlfriends, mothers, wives, people pretending to be women on chat/message boards, et cetera.

The term is coined in the fact that most people who use the internet are male.

The term as can be modified into "There are no women on the internets", "there are no women on the interweb", "there are no whimmen on the internet", and so on and so forth.

Wakalaka: Damn, my girlfriend broke up with me.

MrRaptor: You think you got problems? My wife wants to divorce

MrRaptor: Shes a feminazi

D0kt0r1337: Same here, my mum is divorcing my father

<HEADSHOT> Bridget: ha my firend said he was dating some chick on the internet. turned out to be a guy

RomZomCom: There are no women on the internet.

*everyone in the chat relay agrees*

See feminazi, sexism, what, oh noes, interwebs


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