
What is Ther.v.?


The (Th ee) RobbieV.: Robert M.V. in 2007/2008 became an instant super star his rookie year as a San Jose State Spartan hockey player. Said to be the next "Great One" to lead the SJSU ice hockey team to an ACHA National Championship. To be "TheR.V." is to show great leadership, skill, attitude, kindness, personality, ladies man, and all around nice guy. Shows much pride and dedication to anything the mind is put the test too. To be "TheR.V." is to be just an all around BAD ASS!

"you are "TheR.V."

"he is playing like a true "TheR.V."

"TheR.V. has walked into the building"

See brabbit, danville, football, hockey, kind, player, nice guy, skilled, leadership, legend


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