
What is Thesis?


To create a thesis, or statement of fact, you must complete these four steps:







After the thesis is created you must supply an argument to defend your work when it is shown to other people (i.e. teachers, pupils, etc.).

In High School, you must create at least one thesis assigned by a teacher in your English course.

See Anonymous


The paper you have to write in order get a masters degree from cal poly.

I really don't want to write this thesis. It has to be like 100 pages!


A form of torture needed for passage in the upper echelons of the collegiatelevel.

dude that poor student was thesis'd to death!

See sleep deprivation, slavery, masochism, uncool, satisfaction


Your view of life or identity of self. Typically used to discount a self-absorbed person.

"Please son, my thesis will rip your crew to pieces."

-- J5


The act of being gay

That dumbass is being totally being thesis

After that dude got his ass beat at the party, he totally thesis'ed out.

So this chick was all over peter the other night and she asked him back to her place, he declined and went home and played gamecube instead, man only fag would thesis out like that.

See flux


the act of a person being a homo that sings the robin byrd song and trying to piss a guy off

Youse guys are straight thesises

Man 1: Yo how was that robin byrd show dick?

Man 2: Shut Up you damn thesis go fuck a freezer


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