Theta Tau

What is Theta Tau?


An engineering fraternity mostly comprised of pussies that were afraid to join a real frat, so they joined a professional group possessing none of the necessary qualities for membership for either.

A Theta Tau is characterized by its ability and unhindered willingness to stab other members in the back. It also helps if you 'look weird' or are under 5'6" in height. Flunking out of engineering is a common quality.

A Theta Tau naturally drives women away out of fear of getting dick wet. If another OT shall procure female companionship, the OT will use its ingrown backstabbing, 'looking weird', or shortness qualities to drive females away.

"I brought that girl around, but he Theta Tau 'd out and scared my female away, damn that weird bastard."

"Did you go to that Theta Tau party? Yeah, there was more wiener there than at Oscar Meyer."

"Why was that Theta Tau talking so much shit? Because the guy he was talking about is not in the room."

See ot, assholes, pussies, weirdos, awkward


Theta Tau is a Professional Engineering Fraternity founded at the University of Minnesota on October 15th, 1904.

The purpose of Theta Tau is to develop and maintain a high standard of professional interest among its members, and to unite them in a strong bond of fraternal fellowship.

Hey. How was that Theta Tau party last night?

It kicked ass! Theta Tau rules!


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