
What is Thingbox?


Internet chat forum, and some sort of autistic beard support group.

Yo, holmes did you check out the latest beard on thingbox?

See thingbox, beard, autistic, internet, chat, forum


A place of Internet sanctuary from scruffy, over fed little Hitler twerps who are bad at programming and who insist that you use their products "only in the way that they were intended".

Thingbox is a welcoming place to real-men of homosexual origin. Beards are essential to the experience. Nancyboynutters are not welcome and, if identified as trolls, are hounded off the site within moments of their still-birth.

Supporters, financiers, purveyors and toilet-smashers of the monthly London event known as Pie & Mash.

Thingbox - where real life emulates until you find cock.

...and finally, Esther, Thingbox is where I prefer to have MMCL fondle my cock.

See gay, homosexual, online, fun, cock, free sex


an Internet chat forum/community for those who feel they have something to prove.

A place of exile for those who abandoned OUTeverywhere, on the day that came to be known as BLOODY WEDNESDAY.

A place on the Internet where bullies congregate to lick their wounds and then start multiple discussion threads, telling themselves and anyone who will listen how innocent and misunderstood they all are.

The registered office of the biggest of known Internet bullies, him being known as Smess.

A gathering place for smessettes.

Can also mean the unofficial fan club of Avril Lavigne.

a thingbox for internet "things".

See smess, smessette, bully, junklady


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