What is Third World Websight.?


A Websight That Dosn't have a URL Of It's Own. A, "Branch Off" Web Sight. Kinduv Like a Link to a New Page, Except that The Page is A Whole Other Sight. A "Territory" of Another Web Sight, so to speak. One That The User Would Have to Have Gone Through Many Un-Marked, Randomly Coded, Awkwardly Placed Link's to Get To. A Web Sight That No One Has Ever Heard Of, or Cares About... But Usualy Hold's The Coolest, and Biggest, Gems Of The Internet.

Bob: "Hey, You Know How The 'Peanut Butter Jelly Time' song, and The, 'You Are An Idiot' Song Came To Be?

Steve: "Yea, They Were Both Created and Posted on Some Random Third World Websight."

See lol, lolz


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