Thirty Cats Crazy

What is Thirty Cats Crazy?


A uniquely irrational individual, who may or may not owns cats.

Typically a person who is "thirty cats crazy" or tcc, will have a moderately normal appearance. These people lead moderately normal lives and hold many moderately normal points of view. However, if you have the misfortune of mentioning a certain subject they will reveal their unique brand of insane. They may be anti-social, or unaccustomed to social situations as a result of their uniquely irrational points of view.

The numerical value (thirty) placed before "cats crazy" is the equivalent of how off the person is from moderate normalcy. By definition, the very sanest of persons or concepts would be zero cats crazy. A concept or person who is mildly irrational would be at least, three and at most, four cats crazy.

When employing this term one must remember that it refers to the smell of a certain number of cats living in one dwelling. The more cats, the worse the smell. The higher the number, the more obviously 'out-of-touch' the concept or belief is to the greater, logic driven, rational minded population. While this is not literal, if one actually has ten cats in one's residence, we have every assurance they are indeed (at minimum estimation) fifteen cats crazy.

Putting it into literal terms, one can see why it is used for levels of irrationality. Imagine the smell that one who shares a dwelling with thirty cats would consistently carry around with them, yet it would be apparent to all but that one because of their unique and irrational affinity. This is also a key inference found within the term. The subject does not realize the irrational nature of the point of view or belief held.

Example one:

Michael Jackson (MJ): “Hey, Khan. Did you hear about Brittany Spears?”

V. M. Khan: “Naw, man. What’s up with her?”

MJ: “She was walking around in a unisex gas station bathroom bare foot; she was driving around L.A. while holding her infant spawn in the driver’s seat; she shaved off all her hair and started speaking with a English accent after her stay at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center.”

V. M. Khan: “That heifer is nine cats crazy!”

Example two:

MJ: “Hey, Khan. Did you hear about Björk?”

V. M. Khan: “Naw, man. What’s up with her?”

MJ: “She eats roasted Puffin; she thinks that wearing a bird dress with the head of a swan staring her in the face is cute; she will beat your ass if you say the magic phrase, “Welcome to Bangkok.”

V. M. Khan: “That wench is thirteen cats crazy!”

Example three:

MJ: “Hey, What’s up Khan? How are you doing?”

V. M. Khan: “What up Michael Jackson? I’m good, what have you been up to?”

MJ: “Oh, me? I had a friend that was a chimp, his name was Bubbles; they said I tried to buy human remains; I used to preach the word of Jehovahto my L.A. neighbors while wearing a fat suit; I wanted to show the world my new baby, so I held him out over my balcony; after being accused of inappropriate conduct with little boys, and paying off the accusers, I said- The most loving thing to do is to share your bed with someone.”

V. M. Khan: “… How about you let me hold on to a million dollars till next month…”

(Thirty cats crazy would refer to the most irrational thought, point of view, or belief possible. The closer the number is to thirty, the more irrational the person or concept.)

See loco, loose cannon, beyond the pale, reasonable, logical, realistic, thurty, tcc, catz, krazy, cracy, krazie, thirty, cats


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