
What is This-that?


To be This-that requires the following superficial mental qualitied in one way or another. The more the better. This that is perfection,standard,chef d'oeuvre, creme de la creme, perfect, model, paradigm, the epitome, leet, absolute, accomplished, adept, beyond compare, blameless, defectless, excellent, experienced, expert, faultless, finished, foolproof, ideal, immaculate, impeccable, indefectible, masterful, masterly, matchless, paradisiac, paradisiacal, peerless, pure, skilled, skillful, sound, splendid, spotless, stainless, sublime, superb, supreme, ten, unblemished, unequaled, unmarred, untainted, stellar, untarnished, utopian.

1. I got an "A" on my paper, but go figure, This-that got an "A+" on it.

2. Guy1. Look at what that outfit that girl is wearing.

Guy2. She is so This-that.

3. Gosh I am never going to get to be Mr/Mrs. This that at homecomoing.<sigh>

4. I was (insert clever activity here) and I saw (Insert celebrities name here). The way (insert same celebrities name here) looks, talks, and acts is sooooo This-that.

See this that, this, perfection, standard, creme de la creme, perfect, model, paradigm, leet, absolute, adept, blameless, excellent, experienced, expert, faultless, finished, foolproof, ideal, immaculate, impeccable, masterful, masterly, matchless, pure, skilled, skillful, sound, splendid, spotless, stainless, sublime, superb, supreme, ten, stellar


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