Those Were The Days

What is Those Were The Days?


Often said when thinking back to a time when life was more enjoyable.

"Remember back in 96' when we stayed at that beach house? Those were the days..."



phrase used when you reminisce about the "good old days" when life was easy. Even more fun if you make it a song like Edithand Archie Bunkerdid in the "All in the Family" opening.

Boy the way Glen Miller played

songs that made the hit parade.

Guys like us, we had it made.

Those were the days!

And you knew who you were then.

Girls were girls, and men were men.

Mister, we could use a man Herbert Hooveragain.

Didn't need no welfare state.

Everybody pulled his weight.

Gee our old LaSalle ran great.

Those were the Days!

See reminisce, piano


Phrase you use to show your melancholy when you and your friends dig up fun stories about things they did in the past

Q: "Do you remember our last year in high school, you know, when you were with Suzy" A: "Yip, those were the days.."


something old people say when reminiscing.

"way back in my time, we could get a loaf of bread, 3 cows, and a newspaper, all for a nickle... ah.. those were the days"

See bre


when one was having fun or had fun a while ago "back in the day"

Jim:remember when being a burnout was cool?

Mikey: yah those were the days man!


Phrase often used during nostalgic conversations to demonstrate that a past time period is better than the present.

Remember when it was only Catholic priests who sodomized young boys, instead of Michael Jackson? Those were the days!

See snapcase


A phrase older people such as parents use to exaggerate the greatness of a certain event. (even if they are talking about leeches) Also see... back in the day, way back when, and good times.

Grandfather: I remember, one time, me and Jimmy went down to the swimmin' hole. Course, back then we didn't have those fancy bathin' suits y'all have now. So anyway, when we got out, we were COVERED in leeches. Ou-chie! Man, those were the days...


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