
What is Thoth?


Musics music, you see i will say stuff to your face and have the back bone to say anything i want, where as you guys go on websites and behind our backs to thrash us. lets deal off of pure facts and not off of opinions. the only person who lives in scottsdale is sean. we pay for nothing on the record. it is being financed by people that are not any band members and we were picked soley based off of talent, we are paying absolutely no money. next fact, we have played credited shows, we've played at the venue where bands like megadeth and tool have played. you played one show? and if you want to talk about financing your own bands success, the only way you were able to play she show was because you were the ones who sponsered the event (barvitzvah of some type) also, im tired of your crap. the plain facts are were more successful for a reason, we made it on our own steam through effort and talent, you guys just sit around (in brians case in HIS home in SCOTTSDALE) and try and heckle us even though you have absolutely no right to talk. In retrospect i feel like a part of me has been brought down to a lesser level for having been brought to the level of a bunch of no talents. weve never done anything remotely wrong towards you guys and all of this is uncalled for, when we do something or you guys develop a respectable band with a resume longer than "we played a party once" then maybe ill take you more seriously, and if you have the urge to unneccarily knock our band then come talk to any of us instead of posting on a site like a few 5th graders

gosh SYNDICATE!!!!! (WERE SO RAD!!! ITLL MAKE YOUR HEAD EXPLODE!!!!1111111111) we got to play a party that we ourselves put on and we actually live in scottsdale, but not to worry about that, well accuse someone else of doing what we do when its actually not true, that way i can get back to putting frosting on my nuts and having my dog lick it off for sexual gratification.


The tr00est black metal band in existance.

Hail Belphegor!


1.Thoth, a death/progressive metal band based in the Phoenix AZ area. Though UR urban DIC, thinks sucks doesnt. im sure whoever that is, is in Syndicate. and Thoth is not little kids. im sorry if UR urban DIC cant afford nice looking and sounding equip but dont bash Thoth for it. And dont say Thoth sucks if you have never heard them. They are good, take Alex Atallah vs. Hans Heitzinger. Atallah the Hun will eat the little nazi alive! and death metal=easy... right. last time i checked, death metal wasnt easy. im sorry if you feel gay if you cant pronounce our name. do you even know what Thoth means? if not, shut up about it.

2. The Ancient Egyptian God of Wisdom and Writing. (The one with the head of an Ibis) an ibis is the bird with the thin curved beak

1. Thoth rocked out at Mason Jar, and unlike Syndicate, plays shows and practices.

2. Thoth, created the Universe using Sacred Geometry.

See entity


the message you cried and wrote emo songs about was not posted by sndicate, whoever the fuck that is. it was posted by the ASU freshman band called OverKill. (we witnessed the "music" at ASU) we will fuck u lil death pansies to hell so you can learn the real evil. you are secretly emo dashboard confessional groupies. go cry about not having any talent and write a song about a girl u never laid. LONG LIVE OVERKILL!!!! we will thrash u so hard you will go become more Emo than you already are. grab ur nuts and sing high biatch!!!

1. thoths cry when people make opinions about them.

2. thoths pretend they like girls.

3. thoths play at "shows" at gay bars in san francisco. (their groupies are former Queen and Elton Jon groupies!)

4. a pure example of how to ruin your stereos. aka music off of website


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