
What is Thrawn?


The fictional character, Grand Admiral Thrawn, who proved to be one of the greatest villains of all time in the Star Wars saga. A consummate strategist, cool-headed leader, and brilliant tactician, Thrawn led the remnants of the Empire to almost defeating the Rebellion (New Republic). However, he was assassinated by his bodyguard during the climatic Battle of Bilbringi, ending his near-victory over the Rebellion.

He was the last of Emperor Palpatine's twelve Grand Admirals, had pale blue skin, black-bluish hair, and piercing red glowing eyes. He was a member of the Chiss, a humanoid race belonging to the fringes of the known Galaxy.

"Grand Admiral Thrawn? The fleet awaits your orders, sir."

See admiral, star wars, villain, fleet, leader


adj. the worst kind of stubborness

She's such a thrawn bastard, she'd cut aff her nose tae spite her face.

See stubborn, obstinate, pig-headed, contumacious


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