
What is Thrill?


1. An enjoyable ride.

2. An ordeal.

3. A titillating experience.

A: Awwwe-hoursheeet! You almost got us killed, muda--

B: Yeh, but ain't that the thrill, tho?


excitement, pleasure.

That roller coaster ride sure was a thrill


Something shocking or unexpected, usually something good.

Damn, that was such a thrill!


Something that is fun because it produces the illusion that one is in danger, but doesn't really have to worry.

Rollercoasters and considered by many to be thrilling.

See Eddy


1. To cause to feel a sudden intense sensation; excite greatly.

2. To give great pleasure to; delight. See synonyms at enrapture.

3. To cause to quiver, tremble, or vibrate.

I was thrilled when I was able to get away from your mother, she's been stalking me for months!

See Captain


1. n. Very good sex...enough to call it a thrill.

2. n. Something that makes you can be used in sex as well.

1. I had my best thrill ever!

2. I had my worst thrill ever with her.


nice and smooth trip induced by some drugs

antonym: airplane rage

especially with good XTC and MDMA, considering also the environment and the quantities ;-)

See Nada


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