Throbbing Bicycle

What is Throbbing Bicycle?


The Throbbing Bicycle is a daring sexual act, which is extremely difficult to accomplish, but will make you feel magnificent if you pull it off! in which a female is on hands and knees, her behind lifted up behind her, exposing her open anus. The male, about 50 feet away with his pants off and on a bicycle, will peddle until he is at full speed and about a foot away from the female. He well then jam the front brake, causing his bike to buck him forward at an exceding speed through the air, sending his erect penis into the woman's anus at a speed close to 20 mph.

Sally thought I was just being kinky- till I ripped her ass apart with a throbbing bicycle. Now she doesn't call me anymore.

See throbbing, bicycle, sex, act, danny glover, angry dragon, angry pirate, aligator fuckhouse, chili dog, cleavland steamer, sexy, dirty, hot


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