
What is Throsk?


Verb. Its the word you use to suggest you know what something is.

People always want to know what something they see or experience might be called. It's impressive to have a word that defines the event.

Origins: Smart arsed know-it-alls can be beaten. Invent your own word to describe something and sound like you really know what you're talking about.

For example. If you see clouds hung across a hill top you can be authoritive by proclaiming "That's called a Throsk". or the congealed ketchup round a bottle is called throsk. Perhaps throsking is the mating ritual of the basking shark

Use the word to define any incident, moment or experience to impress your friends.


Is the word used to add definition to something you have no idea what the correct word, if there is one, would be. Adults are often asked by children what something might be that they have seen. If you don't know the answer you can confidently answer, "That is throsk". or "That's known as a throsk".

Origin; A small village in Scotland with absolutely no purpose or defined structure and a place where folk have nothing better to do than to sit and watch the low clouds kiss the hilltops of the nearby Ochils.

The cloud that drifts across the cap of a mountain would be a Throsk. Or the leftover sauce on an empty plate would be the throsk. The loose and flaking material on the surface of a scuffed shoe would be throsk.

Of course any activity in a process could be known as throsking. You may wish to give someone a good throsking. Its' clearly otherwise undescribable.

See noun, adjective, verb


Anything you don't know or haven't heard before. Can be used in conjuction with the word clent, to describe something clented that you haven't seen before.

What's that throsk on your lip?

My clented throsk evaporated!


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