
What is Thunderchicken?


Verb, Adverb, Noun: Slang (1)A band or musician that is incredible.(2) To do well. (3)taking a good hit of marijuana

Popularized in the midwest based on the popular Michigan band "The Thunderchickens."

(1)That song was incredible, the band really put the thunderchicken in it.

(2)How was the test? I thunderchickened it.

(3)Are you going to Thunderchicken all of it?

See thunder chicken, thunder, chicken, michigan


US Marine Corps slang for the vertical take-off and landing aircraft V-22 Osprey

"Yeah, we had to jump into a hot AO... did it out the ass of a thunderchicken... bitchin."

See thunderchicken, osprey, vtol


A really fit chicken. Primarily used on the farm.

Hey, Jethro, look at that thunderchicken over there fightin' with the cocks.

See strong, robust, healthy, fit


What you get when you add a packet of Koolaid to Thunderbird wine. (Circa 1997 New Orleans Gutterpunks.)

Hey G-fly, I got two packets of koolaid - you want mountainberry or tropical punch Thunderchicken?

See nawlins, wine, thunderbird, punx


Another name for Fords sad excuse for a car, the Thunderbird

Look at that Ford Thunderchicken, it looks almost as gay as my Mustang.

See thunderchicken, thunderbird, ford, p.o.s.


one who constantly complains about everything, and tries to find the worst possible outcome of every situation


William is such a thunderchicken


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