
What is Thus?



1. (used to introduce a logical conclusion) from that fact or reason or as a result

2. In the way indicated

"Thus, I rebuke"

See anonymous


A totally pretentious way of saying that a fact will follow or has preceded a statement. Typically used so a writer can sound more intelligent than they actually are.

Thus, Luke Skywalker defeated his father in a lightsaber duel and Anakin Skywalker threw the Emperor down the reactor shaft of the Death Star, thus ending the tyranny of the Empire, thus setting the stage for the New Republic.

See wikipedia, wikiality, i.e., pretentious


If there was some crazy, life-sim videogame that included every aspect of life like eating, talking, and even breathing through some crazy usb device; and included "character development;" using the word "thus" would automatically raise the "intelligence" or "wit" etc. of your character 5%.

I sounded like an idiot rambling, but watch as I demonstrate the "intelligenty" effect of "thus."

"You say you did not activate the "stand-by" mode of the laptop. But 90% of the people in this room saw you, in full view of the laptop, run towards it, trip, and fully close the device in question, THUS activating "stand-by" mode THUS ending all running programs THUS PREVENTING the owner of said laptop from receiving any "instant messages" after 4:45 p.m. Saturday."

Same thing witout "thus" used:

wut do u meen u didnt do it, i saw u n so did evrybuddy els


The best word.

Thus meaning.


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