
What is Tibet?


n. A part of China's land since Yuan Dynasty, its proven in history books and even by National Geographics in 1936. The Tibet before China was one of the world's most poorest nations. 90% were slaves who worked till they dropped day by day for their masters who is consisted of 10% of the population. The Lama controlled everything imposed heavy taxes, cut off people's limbs, gauged eye balls, and took off baby's skins for artifacts. There arer full evidence of the Lama's heinous crimes , but many people are either too lazy or refuse to do research. Fifty years after China liberated Tibet, Tibetans became more civilized and recieves better rights than an average Chinese, but those exiled Lamas are jealous the fact that Tibet is 1 million times better than 50 years ago when they are in power.

western protestor: free tibet ! free tibet!

educated person: Do you know where Tibet is? Tibet used to be a slavery nation till China entered and liberated it. Why don't you go protest against Iraq and get your troops home?

western protestor: ....

See tibet, lama, cnn, bbc


the term Tibet to refer to the three original provinces of U'sang, Kham and Amdo

What You Need To Know About China's Occupation of Tibet

Genocide and human rights

Since 1950, an estimated 1.2 million Tibetans have been killed by the Chinese.

China has ratified a number of UN conventions, including those related to

torture and racial discrimination, and yet has repeatedly violated these in

China and Tibet.


Chinese has replaced Tibetan as the official language. Young Tibetans are being

re-educated about their cultural past, with references to an independent Tibet

being omitted.

Lack of religious freedom

The 1982 Constitution of the People's Republic of China guarantees freedom of

religious belief, but China seeks to restrict the numbers of monks and nuns

entering monasteries and to discredit the religious authority of Dalai Lama.

The child recognised as the reincarnation of the Panchen Lama was rejected and

the Chinese installed their own candidate.

Resource exploitation

China's predominant interest in Tibet is no longer ideological, but is based

on resource extraction and land for Chinese colonists.

Mining and mineral extraction is the largest economic activity in both U'Tsang

and Amdo and at least one-half of Tibet's natural forest has gone since Chinese


Chinese migration

Long-term Chinese settlement in Tibet has been deliberately encouraged, with the

result that Tibetans are in the minority in many areas.

Independent research puts the number of Chinese in the TAR at 5 - 5.5 million

versus 4.5 million Tibetans; in Kham and Amdo, Chinese outnumber Tibetans many

times over.

Chinese traders are favoured by lower tax assessments and the dominant position

of Chinese in government administration.

See Dalai Lama


A region under the control of China since Kublia Khan claimed it under the Yuan Dynasty. When the Ming dynasty defeated the Mongols, they inhereted the territory and communication continued throughout the Ming dynasty. During the Qing Dynasty, China sent residential commissioners called amban to Lhasa and these amban are equal rank to the Dalai Lama. After the fall of the Qing, china became a republic under the nationalist government and Britain, Tibet and China decide what to do with Tibet. Britain recognized Tibet as under chinese Suzerainty just like Russia recogzized Mongolia. Similiar to Mongolia, the British drew up an agreement where Tibet will be seperated into outer Tibet (modern day Tibet) ruled by the Dalai Lama and inner tibet (parts of present day sichuan and qinghai) where the religous aspect will be ruled by the Dalai Lama. Unlike Mongolia with the russians, the nationalist party never signed the agreement. Tibet as well as other provinces enjoyed de facto independence when the Chinese nation was torn by warlordism, Japanese invasion, and civil war (1911-1949). However the nationalist still maintain sovereignty over Tibet. Through the Succession of states theory in international law (Yuan, Ming, Qing, ROC, PRC)Tibet is still part of China and is now legally a province of China just like Xin Jiang and Inner mongolia. Tibet is also known as Xizang to the chinese meaning western treasure.

Tibet (Xizang)is a province in the west of China.

See tibet


An automous region of China, it is home to a unique form of Buddhism and it is rich in culture. Tibet is also one of the fasting growing in population and economic growth.

It became the focus of protests against the Beijing Olympics back in the spring and summer of 2008.

Brainwashed Free Tibet people think that Tibet should be completely independent and they will even go as far as to justify the murders of the Chinese in Tibet.

Brainwashed CCP-supporters think that Tibet was ALWAYS part of China, when in reality, it was a part of the Yuan and Ming Dynasties as a tributary, it wasn't until the Qing Dynasty was when Tibet was full part of China. Also, the thing to think about it is that the Qing Dyanasty and the Republic of China were not as repressive or destructive towards Tibetan and Buddhist culture as the PRC communists were in the 1950s and 60s.

Despite political repressions and strictly regulated practice of religion and religious rights, the typical Tibetan is still living a better life from a socioeconomic standpoint compared to pre-1959 times.

The rational person would believe that Tibetans were both negatively and positively influenced by PRC consolidation.

Negatives- Much Tibetan culture was lost and destroyed by the Chinese communists, crackdowns on protests can be quite brutal, spiritual leaders cannot be freely chosen without consent from Beijing.

Positives- Vastly improved infrastructure, part of the diverse and power modern Chinese economy, lower class Tibetans have more freedoms.

Both the Free Tibet and Pro-CCP people fail to understand the importance of a good compromise, such as maybe Hong Kong/Macau-style autonomy for Tibet, the ability for the Tibetan Buddhist clergy to pick their own leaders.

Even the Dalai Lama Gyastso himself disagrees with complete independence.

Tibet is an long lasting and venerable culture. For many centuries, the Chinese and the Tibetans have had mostly good and mutual relationships until 1959, after the communists won the civil war in China, the Chinese PLA clamped down hard on the Tibetans. Compared to then, Sino-Tibetan relations has improved after the cultural revolution and the economic and political reforms of the 1970s but there is still much disagreement, the protests against the 2008 Olympics have brought out the bad blood between Tibetans and Han Chinese, but amongst the bickering, there was not much plan for compromise between the Chinese and Tibetans, not much shreds of rationalism.

See china, tibet, prc, cctv, ccp, buddhism, communism, feudalism


China's bitch.

Tibet is China's bitch.

See tibet, china, bitch


a great place with the every dream to break free from the communist chinese. a place of wisdom and peace. beautiful mountains, grass, and sky. everything was just like that until the chinese came, killing millions of innocent tibetans. however, tibet hopes to be free, back to peace.

i am proud to be tibetan! tibet all the way!

See tibet, china, mountains, grass, sky


The name of the country that was annexed by the Chinese in 1959. People say that China helped Tibet but that is wrong. The Chinese are building things in Tibet right now but to their own benifit. It would be nice if China helped Tibet but it was wrong of them to beat up the Tibetans, make them flee and then start "helping" them. Now Tibet is full of chinese (which would be ok if they didnt basically take over our country first)and the Tibetans living there can barely ever go through with their religious beliefs. Oh yeah and we Tibetans are not CHINESE!

Tibetan guy:"Hi chinese person nice to meet you!"

Chinese guy:"Hey!" *starts beating up Tibetan person*

"Oh im sorry are you hurt?" *gives person cash and clothing*

See tibet, tib


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