
What is Tila?


Filipino-Visaya slang term of licking, mostly used in a sexual level.


Tila - Root Word, lick

Magpatila - To get licked

Patila - To lick

Nagpatila - Got Licked

Tilai - the letter "I" modifies the word so that it would mean "Lick Me" (First Person), or "Lick It/That/etc" for the third person

Tilaan - "An" modifies the word to make it a Transitive Verb (see example below) for the third person

Gitilaan - past tense of Tilaan in the active voice.

Magpatila ko unya. - I want to get licked

Patila ko sa imong bilat. - I want to lick your pussy.

Nagpatila ko sa akong uyab kaganina. - I had my girlfriend licked me.

Tilai ko be! - Lick Me!

Tilaan nako ka karon. - I'm going to lick you.


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