
What is Tiller?


1 Slang synonmym for Duck fucker

2 Gay name for a gay

that duck fucker Tiller is a no dick homosexual loveless boring type person

See gay, homo, duck, fucker



Often used to describe a person who is not only angst-ridden, but also rather boring as well.


1. A person with an unhealthy obsession with fish and/or other marine life.

2. A person or thing that continually talks about lameass subjects, and often.


A violent sex act, usually involving cats and/or fish.

tiller, to pull a


pronounced as to pu-ll a til-er

1. To crossdress

2. To unknowingly say something rude or offensive; to make an uninformed statement

I met this really tiller girl at a party. I kind of wanted to shoot her, for some reason.

Person One: I think Linkin Park is a very deep band with a great message. I can totally relate to them.

Person Two: (To Person Three) What a loser. He just pulled a tiller.

See NL


n. tiller

A tiller is a person that never ceases to annoy someone else. Tillers generally complain about things no one cares about, like fish and their love life, which is non-existant. Tillers can generally be found online, making stupid threads on forums and dumb comments in chatrooms and then complaining that they aforementioned chatrooms and forums have become crap.

v. to pull a tiller

'To pull a tiller,' can mean any number of things. You can crossdress to avoid someone that actually seems not, "leave" a forum and post vicious comments about yourself in order to gain sympathy, or just do something annoying.

Person One: We all know the war was only about oil.

Tiller: It's all about the oil, baby.

See Sharon


Someone with a skinny penis (pencil dick)

As most women know, most men (and little boys in this case) think with their dicks.

Unfortunately for pencil dicks they do not have enough room in their pencil dicks to store enough of a brain to think with; so they have to store the rest in their fat hairy arses, which tends to lead to stupidity and delusion.

Apart from not being able to satisfy their women with their cocks, they can actually be a good catch as there is no way that they will have an affair (with a woman at least).

Of course conversely this does tend to increase the likelihood that their partners will have affairs with men who are able to satisfy them.

I am glad I am not a Tiller

See the, camel, truth, yes


n. Something used to steer a boat

n. Someone who likes to fuck a goat

I broke my fucking Tiller, I can't steer my fucking boat

That arsehole fucking Tiller, he fucked my favourite goat

Fuck you Tiller you fucking goat fucking fucker

See wash, behind, your, ears, kids


Tiller A.K.A bumming. a term used to take from another. Originating in North Carrollton,TX thanks to Matt Tiller. fucking bummer. still love your ass.

1."Hey can i Tiller a cig off of ya?"

2. "Damn you never have your own shit."

See cigs, square, bummer, bumming, moocher, mooching


A crossdresser. The word has been around since the before the 1400s, and probebly originated from a component of the crossBOW which was called a "tiller".

Damn tiller, I though he was a girl until I found a razor in his purse.


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