Tim Shaw

What is Tim Shaw?


Tim Shaw is a radio DJ. He has worked on many radio stations, including BRMB, and has been sacked from every job he has ever had. He has recieved the largest fine for radio misconduct and is rated the 3rd most shocking DJ in the world.

His current show is called Tim Shaws Asylum and is on Kerrang 105.2

The current times are Sunday to Thursday.

Sunday 22:00-2:00

Monday till Thursday 22:00-1:00

A lot of the features are interviews, prank calls and general funny stuff.

One of Tims ater egos 'Old Boot' phones up people and pretends to be an old woman. Lines include "ive lost my pussy"


Tim Shaw is a radio DJ. He has worked on many radio stations and has been sacked from every job he has ever had. According to his show, Tim Shaw's Asylum on Kerrang105.2, he has recieved the largest fine for radio misconduct and is rated the 3rd most shocking DJ in the world!

Tim Shaws Asylum on Kerrang! 105.2


Tim Shaw was an annoying salesman of crappy steak knives for Demtel(an infomercial TV sales company) in the 90's in Australia.

He was annoying and cheezy, but successful.

"...These quality set of 6 steak knives for only $9.99......But wait there's more!!!!! buy one set and we'll give you another set completely free!!!!! but wait there's still more! order in the next 10 minutes and you will get the super-duper easy carving knife that is sharp enough to cut diamonds, absolutely free!" - Tim Shaw


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