
What is Tintin?


Belgian boy reporter who is the greatest hero of the world. With his dog Snowy,the Thompson twins, his loyal friend, Captain Haddock, and Professor Calculus, Tintin can do all. He foils Drug smuggling and illegal slave rings run by the evil billionaire, Roberto Rastapopolous, kicks the shit out of Dr. Muellar, and saves Sydavia from the evil Bordurians under Kurvi-Tasch and Colonel Sponz. Tintin wins every fight, always does the right thing, and has a unique cow-lick hairstyle that's all his own.

Tintin discovered that the Bordurians were going to invade Syldavia by stealing King Ottakar's sceptre.


TinTin represents a ninja that is able to silently jump through the night, unseen by everyone in his path.

People named TinTin are usually short and asian. They have bowl haircuts and are very popular.

Short people with random names always are.

That kid TinTin is tight, nigga, like he reminds me of a ninja if the night!

See tintin, tin, asian, ninja


A really cool cartoon that was made back when we didn't have all these bullshitpolitical-correctness laws.



Good in a fight, crack shot, all-around great guy. He is the man. He is the legend.

He is Tin Tin.

Watch your fokkin mouth, bitch. Tin Tin will kick your ass into next Tuesday.


nickname of kristine or christine

tintin is cool!

See anonymous


A Very Small Penis that is incapable or entering a young lady. Derived from the English slang 'It Ain't In' and then shortened in the Northen dialect to 'T'aint in'. See also justin

Sharon was dissapointed that Dave had a Tintin.


belgian and gay icon cartoon character created by Hergé. His haircut (known as a "houpette" in walloon) is symbolic for the european gay community.

Gays with a houpette


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