
What is Tip.it?


Awesome help site with a much friendlier forum community then most of the runescape communities out there.

Dang, ever since I left runehq for tip.it things have been so much better. And the mods aren't warning me for every silly little thing I do.

See runescape, tip, help, friendly, helpful


Tip.it is a runescape helpsite which try WAY too hard, anyone who uses it needs to be slapped with a huge tuna.

Troy says:

im going to post on tip.it

Graham says:

Don't you mean bullsh.it?


a shitty site run by wankers.

they censor sites for no reason, then when the site they censored works out thier non-existant problems (maybe they should try some midol and take that tampoon out of thier ass) tip.shit censors them again, and wonders why people think that place sucks.

lumbytrain forever

dude i posted on tip.it today and they deleted my post because i owned thier mods


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