
What is Tips?


something one calls another in response to one saying something obvious.

"michael jackson molestes little children, ya know."

"thanks tips"


To Insure Prompt Service

from an London coffee shop tip jar first

used in the 17th century

If you want your coffee faster, put a

half-penny into the tips jar.


Ebonics for "drunk," an attempt to say "tipsy"

Nerrbody in da club gettin tips.



To Insure Proper Service

always leave tips for your waiter if the service was excellent.

See tips, tip, t.i.p., restaurant, service


Tits hips and everything in between, a word used to describe any physical feature of a girl. Not necessarily pertaining to her bumps. It could mean her eyes or her gorgeous smile with the two crooked teeth

Guy 1: Man B's got alotta big tips

Guy 2: Dude she may have alotta big tips but

J's are better cause their quality

See tits, hips, physical, feature, eyes, smile


acrylic nails which are applied on top of your natural fingernails usu. worn by ghetto girls and designed with eye-catching ghetto designs in very bright colors.

Laqueesha: did you see that girl working the cash register at Pathmark?

Shareefa: them Koreans hooked her tips up. i'ma get me that pattern.

Laqueesha: but don't get them as long as hers cuz she had to push da buttons with her knuckles, gettin them all ashy, and she almost scratched your eye out and you know you woulda had to fight her.


Ken Spivey's primary source of income.

Joe: "Why does Spivey have $500 in his wallet?"

Sean: "Tips"

See tips, lap, dance, pole, thong


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