
What is Tipster?


An attendee to Duke University's Talent Identification Program and had to have scored above a 540 in Math or Verbal on their SATs. Ages ranging from 13 to 17.

The tipster spent most of his time studying and was able to snag a 700 on his Verbal SATs at the age of 14.

See nerd, dork, dweeb, student, geek, Tipster


1. A person that gives tips to someone

2. An overall somewhat unelite person that relies on luck in winning in games such as counter-strike and uses skill to rely on just about everything else

1.He was an anyonomous tipster.

2.Look at the poor tipster's score.


1. Made popular by the America's Most Wanted weasel host, John Walsh, a minimization of the word snitch.

2. Someone who snitches on another.

"We here at America's Most Wanted want to thank our "tipsters" for calling in and turning in their own neighbor based only on some accusations made by police. Great job folks!"

See snitch, john walsh, police, cops


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