
What is Tk?


Team Killer n.

A person who engages in intentionally or unintentionally killing teammates in online games. TKs are either unskilled or are trying to ruin the gaming experience for others. The latter can be summed up by the Battlefield 1942 term smacktard.

i TK u i TK u loooool!!11

i tH3 l337 Ov TK!!! looooool

See Gimli


Onling gaming term for "team killer" or "team killing". Used verbally as well as in typing. The act of killing your own teammate rather than the enemy.

"The guy was blocking the door so I had to TK him".


In the Professional Printing Industry, TK on a work order means "to come".

300 copies, Originals TK

See print


team killer.

this is for multiple reasons:

1: they abuse chat so much and are so up their own ass you shoot them at spawn

2: they like to kill people for no reason because theythink they are really hard.

3: you/they want a kill so bad they walk right infront of you while your firing, so you manage to cap them

4: blocking door so you frag them

they fire at you so you fire back unaware they have 2 health

5:they are in shaddowed areas in maps, so you walk around the corner and unload a clip on them wondering why it takes so long for them to die

6: they make you jump in a tense moment and yur finger is so close on the mouse that you accidentally mow them down

In battlefield 1942 they are called tking smacktards

me: fking n00b you tkd me again, learnt to aim do i look like a terrorist to you? im in a damn sas suit!

n00b: soz mate, but you walked into my fire

me: your fire? were @the spawn point!


In the gaming world, TK usually as an abbreviation for "Team Kill" but it can also be used with the meaning of "Type Kill".

Team Killing is when you shoot someone on your own team, Type Killing is shooting people that are standing still and obviously typing a chat message (many games indicate this graphically, but beginners either don't see this or are just so thrilled they can finally get a kill that they ignore it).

* n3wb inflicted mortal damage on 0wna

* 0wna: ffs stop the TK n3wb


Means "totally kidding," is used as a better alternative to JK (just kidding).

SPREAD THE WORD! JK must be de-throned!

"I hate you, TK!"

"Your mom's a whore, TK!"

"RENT is a suck-ass musical, TK!"

See jk, team kill, just kidding, lol, take care


an ugly girl who is fat and extremely annoying. her voice pierces your ears, and her looks blind you. you gain ten pounds by sitting in the room with her for nearly a minute. she is a big skank and blames every little thing she does on her 'alcohol' problem. but never-the-less, she's also a "christian."

GIRL: I think we should hook up.

BOY: EW, fuck no. I hate tk's.

See groady, ugly, cunt, bitch, annoying


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