
What is Tke?


A fraternity that accepts the Lowest Common Denominator.

If you can't go Greek, go TKE. If you can't go TKE, go home.

See frat, drunk, date, rape


Tapping Kegs Everyday

PS... Members of TKE are known as Tekes not Teeks

See tke, teeks, fucking awesome


Acronym for Tau Kappa Epsilon, the best fraternity in the fucking world.

Some Kid: TKE is awsome!

Me: Then rush.

See Seth


Tau Kappe Epsilon

The world largest fraternity also the best it isnt bragging if it is a face


Ron Jeramy,Ronald Regan,Willie Nelson

TKE's are the shit

See tke, teke, fraternity, brotherhood


1. A second-tier UC Berkeley fraternity that never studies always throws parties... no matter the condition.

2. A place where open kegs and intoxicated sorority girls out-match books 3:1

Jeremy, are you ever going to study that Poly Sci? Our final is tomorrow.

Jeremy: Nah, party at TKE tonight. Why study South Africa? We're going get fucked up and vandalize Stanford.

See tke, frat, berkeley, study


A substitution for a swear word.

Pronounced "Teek"

I wish someone would tke with me.

Jeremy, stop being such a damn tke bag.

I like your tke.

See ass, bitch, fuck, damn, hell, piss, shit, rusty trombone


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