
What is Tmc?


the mad cracker

<cracker> fuck, im so mad!

See tmc


the violently angered white boy

<whiteboy> fuxing shit ill kill you.

See tmc


Acronym for Too Messy Crew

A gang of chavsin the Brighton area of the United Kingdom. As of late they have been spraying tags around Patcham and beating on the Stoners in Skag Alley (the Alley next to the London Road Subway).

They used to call themselves the Too Nasty Crew, until another gang of chavs from London (who were already referring to themselves as the Too Nasty Crew) told them that if they didn't change their name, then they would kill every last one of the Brighton Chavs, rape all the women in their families and torture all the men to death.

They changed the name.

This is TMC turf; git aat, schlag. You don't want this beef.

See moose


Acronym for "Too Much Crack," in reference to the crackheaded-ness of an individual or group of individuals.

"I want to go become a red balloon..."

"Dude, TMC"

See kind of a big deal


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