What is To Dwii™ [/m]?
An obsessively redundant cyber-bully drunkard that habitually posts on the dying internet ember known as sissyfight without his marilyn’s on, but never without an alcoholic beverage.
—Synonyms toper, sot, tippler, drinker. Drunkard and inebriate are terms
for a person who drinks hard liquors habitually. Drunkard connotes willful
indulgence to excess. Inebriate is a slightly more formal term than drunkard.
Dipsomaniac is the term for a person who, because of some psychological
or physiological illness, has an irresistible craving for liquor. The dipsomaniac
is popularly called an alcoholic.
—Antonyms teetotaler.
Example: Snake was lucky he had an UPS, as a Dwii™ ran into a telephone pole, and knocked out the electricity.