What is To Kuskovskify?
verb ( kuskovskifying ; past kuskovskify |kooskovskifi|; past part. kuskovskify )
1. to strike fear into a person or object through subjective punishment.
2. to be suspended or expelled due to bias, bigotry or oxymoronic behavior
ORIGIN coined at the Leysin American School in response to the panic struck during "random" drug tests and disproportional punishments coinciding with 2009 Headmaster Kuskovski's emotional discomfiture. Now used widely amongst
Q. "Why are you crying in the fetal position?"
A. "I've been a bad citizen in the LAS community!"
Q. "Naw dude, you've been kuskovskified."
Admin: "The student body is feeling safe, time to kuskovskify."
Student: "I was kuskovskified for losing my teacher's pen."
Parent: "This kuskovskifying is turning my daughter pathological."