Toby Keith

What is Toby Keith?


Untalented country douchebag who saw a vast untapped market in making CDs full of songs exploiting American troops and advocating extreme nationalism and selling them to uninformed, educated assholes who incorrectly equate patriotism with jingoism and unquestionable loyalty to the Bush administration.

After finding out that being a shill for the Bush administration made him more money than doing commercials for Ford trucks and 10-10-220 he recorded even more such songs, becoming even more of a sellout than he was before that time. He also shot his mouth off with unwarranted and unwelcome comments about the Dixie Chicks, who are better Americans and better patriots than he could ever think of becoming.

Toby Keith is a loudmouthed, ingorant piece of shit.

See redneck, asshole, douchebag, lout, hick, republican, neocon, exploitation


see cock gobbler

also see ass muncher

hey ya'll, waatch mee steeck theeis lizard skein boot up ma' ass.


Yet another overpatriotic asshole who's just cashing in on 9/11 like the rest of the country music industry

Courtesy of the Red White and Blue

American Soldier

What is this shit? Listen to real music

See Sgt. Pepper


Toby Keith is a country music star. He is very famous. He is also an idiot. Like most xenophobic red neck assholes he is cashing in on the horrible tragedies currently involving the United States of America and militant and radical Islam. If Toby really felt the way in which he sings he would not cash in on the death of American soldiers in Iraq. If Toby was really pro-American Soldier he would be advocating their return.

Child: Mother, I love Toby Keith!

Mother: Blasphemy! Why do you say that?

Child: Because he is willing to die defending the good ol' US of A.

Mother: Really? Then why isn't he in Iraq right now "defending" our rights instead of cashing in on American idiots?


Mother: Exactly you dipshit


A country music star who wrote a few patriotic songs, that somehow, some people seem to figure that he's a redneck republican, when, in actuality, he is a Democratand has always been.

I really had to laugh at all those uninformed people who voted that other guys' definition down, when that guy said he was shocked to find that Toby Keith was a democrat. His definition had atleast over a 100 thumbs down and only about 15 votes up. Pathetic how people don't know more on the subject that they're bashing.

Ignorant Steriotypical Liberal College Student: OMG WTF U IDIOT *Votes thumbs down* TOBY KEITH IS A REDNECK CONSERVATIVE REPULBICAN FROM THE SOUTH.

Reality: Actually, Toby Keith and his family have always been Democrats. He recently praised Obama and said he was impressed by his speeches and oratory.

"So I thought it was beautiful the other day when Obama went to Afghanistan and got educated about Afghanistan and Iraq. He came back and said some really nice things. So as far as leadership and patriotism goes, I think it's really important that those things have to take place. And I think he's the best Democratic candidate we've had since Bill Clinton. And that's coming from a Democrat." -- Toby Keith

Toby Keith is a democrat. His background sure is deceiving, isn't it?

If you still don't believe me, google "Toby keith democrat" and you'll see a whole bunch of articles about Toby Keith and the Democratic party.

See patriotic, country, country music


Toby Keith is a fantastic singer. He stands up for what he believes in and supports our troops! Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue, Beer For my Horses, Should've been a cowboy, I love this bar, and American Soldier are a few of his #1 songs.

Oh and justice will be served and the battles will rage

this big dog will fight when you rattle his cage

you'll be sorry that you messed with the US of A

'Cause we'll put a boot in your ass it's the american way!!


Toby Keith is simply "The Best", A true man who is not afraid to speak his mind and stand up for what he believes is right. A man with a lot of talent who also makes everything he touches turn to money.

Toby Keith has music, horses, bars, golf courses, bank and the list goes on and one.

See talented, smart, hunk, smile


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