What is Tod?
The Original Douche.
Man, that Adam is such a tod.
An extreme version of a tod can other wise be known as a tod-bag--- the original douche-bag.
Truth or Dare
"Hey you guys up for ToD?"
"tod = touch of downs" someone who looks like they habe down syndrome, but dont actually have the disease
"god vinny looks like a tod", "tod can you go get us the water hammer off the engine", "why did tod open up the line on the interior truck team"
Shorthand for "time of death", often used in MMORPGs to determine when a monster will respawn.
I saw it, but someone else got that monster. I got the TOD on it though, so I'll check back in an hour or so.
Thing of Darkness - something that frightens you and takes away your confidence, energy, motivation. When it passes by you it extracts your soul. It controls your mood and can ruin your day.
Red Alert: TOD is on the move.
Look out, here comes TOD.
To Trap or die aka sell drugs or die
OMG Mikey is such a TOD
An acronym for "Truth or Die," a game played online amongst friends, usually in a chat room. This game follows the same rules as Truth or Dare, except the "dare" removed, so that it is only truth questions being asked.
If you cannot answer a question or refuse to, you must "die" and be exiled from the game.
Hey guys, lets play a game of TOD while we wait for these ice cubes to melt!