What is Toilasnipe?
What you do to someone when you get to, and occupy, the
The one who makes it to, and occupies, the
What inevitably happens to you when there are more people around than there are bathrooms. Usually happens:
1) In the mornings when an inconsiderate, unknowing, or mean
2) When two or more
3) During a game of "musical toilets" (versus musical chairs), per se.
(In a house with 1 bathroom)
Mom: "Why are you going outside?"
Me: "Dad just toilasniped me! I told you to not wake us both up at the same time!"
(Church youth camp)
Me: Crap! The youth pastor just woke everone in the whole boys' cabin up! Better go before someone toilasnipes me!
(When I have to "go")
Me: *looks up upon hearing sounds of pounding feet* "Not again!"