Tomahawk 1440

What is Tomahawk 1440?


A dramatic action on skis or a snowboard in which the rider crashes and turns end-over-end four consecutive times for a 1440 degree spin. This gives them the appearence of a spinning Tomahawk, hence the name.

Featured in Warren Miller's "Playground", a ski-enthusiast movie.

Skier: "Oh man, look at that guy swerving."

Snowboarder: "Yup, he's going down."

Skier: "Wait for it...wait for it...OH! Down he goes!"

Snowboarder: "One, two, three..."

Skier: "Hell yeah! That's four turns!"

Snowboarder: "Tomahawk 1440, bitches!"

Skier: "He's gonna be feeling that for a good week!"

See skiing, snowboarding, playground, tricks


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