
What is Tomming?


1. To fiend or really want something usually involving drugs/alcohol.

2. To be sketchy to the point that if you gathered every goth/emo person in the world, they woudln't be as sketchy.

3. To have the last name Torbiak

that guy is totally tomming!

See fiend, drugs, alcohol, sketch


Tomming is a phrase used to describe someone who is indulging in prostitution, i.e being a tom.

have you been tomming?

See sex, prostitution, whore, slut, slag


tomming is a word used to describe a pervert in the act of peeping at someone getting changed

man #1: dude are you tomming on my wife?

man #2:

man #1:..ol

See spoofy


Blogging while Intoxicated

I wish he'd quit tomming--all of these blog posts he writes while drunk are rambling rants of nonsense.

See blog, dunk, intoxicated, stoned, post, rant


To walk around naked except for boxer shorts, with your cock hanging through the crotch opening

Tom walked through a very populated dorm one night whilst drunk, and his cock was hanging out. Therefore, we call it Tomming.

See underwear, boxers, cocks, cock, naked, dick, balls, weiner, weenie, weeny, nudity, exposure, pervert, perv, prevert


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