
What is Tongasm?


Pronouced tongue-gasm. Literally an orgasm of the tongue. The feeling you experience when you eat particularly delicious food. A tongasm can not be faked.

That chocolate gave me a tongasm.

See orgasm


Noun: Similar to an orgasm, this takes place in the mouth, most likely when eating food that is Angry Delicious. To achieve Tongasm, one must snack on said food for a given period of time, until that tingling sense of explosion occurs. The amount of time required to achieve tongasm varies for different people, pending on their endurance.

Guy 1: "Dude, I was just eating this immaculate bowl of Ramen Noodles and I had a tongasm within seconds!"

Guy 2: "Did you wipe yourself off afterwards?"

See angry delicious, immaculate, bitchin', ramen noodles, choclatini, shirley temple


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