Tongue Twister

What is Tongue Twister?


The tongue twister outlines a way to shape your tongue during cunnilingus. You are supposed to roll the sides of your tongue up and with the hole that is formed between them, you caress the clitoris. This is done after you've excited your woman to the point where the clit peeks out from under the hood. This control for the tongue effectively surrounds a womans clitoris, which, i've been told by many women feels awesome. Hahaaha :D

"Aaahh, ahhh, baby, gimme the tongue twista!!!"

I was obliged to tongue twist that whore.


sentences or phrases with alliteration that can be hard to say.

TONGUE TWISTERS-Peter Piper..., She sells seashells..., Fuzzy Wuzzy...

ME: she sells she, no, se shells se..., no, she shells she shells, no,... oh, forget it.

See tongue, twister, hard, to, say


There are difficult to say - somewhat sensical - sentences in the English language; and then there is the hardest English language tongue twister ever. These are some examples of relatively easily stated tongue twisters:

1) She sells sea shells by the sea shore. (or sea's shore)

2) Peter picked a peck of pickled peppers.

3) Rubber baby buggy bumpers.

This is the hardest English-word tongue twister:

"The sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick."

See puzzle, enigma, difficult, english, language, twister, tongue, tong, tung, sheik, sick, sheep, guinness, guiness, record, records


a series of word that are hard to say in sequence.

also a way to give oral pleasure to a female

how much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood

See the cheat


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