
What is Tonner?


A group of people ( normally of the female sex) who do NOTHING or produce NOTHING with their lives. They are just hideous creatures who roam the earth trying to bang/ sniff stuff and screw around with otherpeople who do not follow their LACK of culture style

Think of a leprechaun chick, who pretty much would fit the category of a Ned/ chavand townie ( the scum of the scum of the world) or just assholes. This is the worse kind of individual as they do nothing with their lives besides complain about society and their sex lives and produce as much smoke as a chimney.

Tonner has no INDIVIDUALITY for anything; they will act, talk and dress as their group. The only thing they care is their own group ( quite like animals), but not even animals would treat themselves as a group of backstabber bitches like this kind. Depression symptoms such as cutting can also be found in the females of this group, who will pretend to be tough and gangster but who in the end are nothing more than poor hookers who have to sell their own soul for “ a banter”. They do not even have wear to drop dead, and should all be incinerated and throw away in the galaxy where their not occupy space.

A female Tona has no fashion taste. They will normally wear a $2 hoodie with the world SEXY ( as if), FCK, HO on it. They normally wear 5 layers of black smudged eyeliner and no quality mascara. The ears are adorned with at least two layers of fake gold earrings. They tend to have an excessive numbers of piercings, being the tongue their favorite part to have pierced (probably since they can't say nothing worth being said). They wear the white Reeboks and actually keep these clean to look they they’ve just stolen them. The second type normally just wear a 2 inch skirt with a little top that barely covers her chest, but hey that’s what’s fashion to look like a hooker on the streets. For some “ bare weird” reason to look like you can work at the Red District is their Haute Couture.

The male just wear the stupid track pants with some Burberry item… I mean some stolen or $2 item with the same print. The alpha male sets the fashion and the rest of the hyenas just follow.

They tend to hang out in parks, where they will normally “ shag some mates” ( and they will shag anything think of Michal Jackson worsen version, they shag even animals and they are proud of it! “Ye mate! We did it”) “ have a banter”. They can also be found near the closest Mac Donalds, specially at their drives through ( go understand). Most of them have a criminal record from one reason or another and they like to brag about it as if the coolest thing on the world is to be arrested. These people think they are showing the world their culture when in reality they actually show THE LACK OF CULTURE. As the lack in education, their conversations circulate around sex, drugs and trapping people ( as if it wasn’t enough the fact they screw their lives, they try to screw the rest ).

They shit in the English language and tend to forget the most basic words as there found always “ so high, bruv” , and their I. Q.s are lower than an amoeba. They smell like stolen from the flea market perfume.

The language consists of “ fuck off” and “ yer fugly”, “ wee bastard”, if you respond anything to them they will not even assimilate what you have said as their brains have been so fucked from drugs.

They are a bunch of psychopathic, kleptomaniac hidous people with no fucking sense of individuality and waste space in the world.

They look down people who:

1. have a future

2. have a life

3. do not produce smoke as a chimney

4. do not live at MacDonalds

5. has gelled dyed blond hair

6. has a stupid nickname as Britney or Holly

7. listen to Farrel, Jay-Z

8. doesn't have a forced Cockney accent

See chav, prostitute, ned, motherfucker, townie


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