What is Tonyblair?
1. to employ a false sincerity (as opposed to insincerity)
2. to be number two in the gang
3. pretend to listen, and then do what you like anyway
4. to suck up to multinationals
5. to wage war on pitiful countries
6. to infect old people already in hospital
7. to go so full circle you become a fascist
8. to marry a horse-faced shocker
9. to bully people to accept your opinion
10. to disappear for a fortnight when things get a bit troublesome
11. to resurrect, with indecent haste, the careers of those you had to sack when they became a liability
12. to turn the country you head into the second most hated place on earth and endanger its people with very dub(ya)ious associates
I'm not going into hospital. I'm only having a massive coronary. That hospital has been tonyblaired.
I'm so tonyblair I am now a member of the SS.
The Canary Islands have had unusual amounts of rain this year. We suspect terrorist involvement. We will have to tonyblair Lanzarote out of the Atlantic.
Yeah yeah tonyblair tonyblair. Oh sorry, I was listening honestly.